Event Details

Stay Ahead of the Competition - what's next for the ‘digital-age’ London insurance market?
Private Dining Rooms, Lloyd's Building
Wednesday 28 March 2018
08:30AM - 10:00AM
Every decade or so, a new technology trend arrives with the promise of finally resolving the challenge of balancing connectivity and efficiency. Regardless of the ultimate outcome of the modernisation effort, enterprises do not need to embark on enormous and risky ‘big bang’ projects for the big change (digitisation) that is unfolding.
This compelling 75-minute seminar sheds light on some of the ‘newer-than-new’ developments in our business today: Blockchain and Secure Digital Workspaces.
Two industry experts reveal their thought-provoking insights.
This is a free event but places are strictly limited to 20 delegates.
Who Should Attend
Senior technology architects and developers; finance officers; project managers; business analysts; claims, data management, risk and compliance professionals; and underwriters and brokers who work in the Lloyd's and London insurance market.
If relevant to colleagues please make them aware of this seminar. Thank you.

Underwriter at CFC Underwriting
Enterprise Sales Engineer Manager at Citrix