Event Details

IT attacks and outages: best-practice preparation and an instant recovery
Thursday 17 June 2021
11:00AM - 12:00PM
Post Event Links/Downloads
Last year, global ransomware attacks increased nearly FIVE FOLD over 2019 with the insurance sector also pressured by ever-increasing compliance demands for recoverability of data and workloads, and disaster recovery (DR) testing.
Most current DR and back-up solutions simply aren't equipped to manage IT at the speed of business. In this webinar we'll discuss how to transform your data protection to ensure you safeguard data and resume operations almost instantly after a ransomware attack or other outage. We will also share a LIVE DEMO of the newest Zerto recovery solution.
Webinar includes
• Real world insights from industry experts
• Free delegate access
• Free delegate online and post event Q&A
• No special software needed
Who Should Attend
CTO, enterprise & infrastructure architects, IT operations, IT & DC managers, security, data governance, risk, legal, compliance and business analysis professionals working for insurers, underwriters, agents or brokers in the Lloyd's and London insurance market. If relevant to colleagues please make them aware of this specialist webinar. Thank you.

Webinar Chairman
Introductions and scene setting

Partner, Technology, Media and Telecoms (TMT) Practice, BLM Law
'Legal, technical and policy coverage considerations and the challenges arising from a ransomware attack'
Nick's expertise covers cyber risk and has substantial experience of advising in an insurance context.
Senior Systems Engineer, Zerto
'Carpe data! How to recover from ransomware in minutes (and why backups just don’t hack it anymore)'
Rod Yazdi is a senior systems engineer for Zerto, covering the financial services and legal sectors. He has over 20 years’ experience designing virtualised environments, including storage & backup, networking and security, supporting the most stringent data protection and compliance requirements.
Zerto is the world’s leading software-only platform bringing together disaster recovery and data protection into a single, simple cloud data management and protection solution across on-premises, hybrid, and multi-cloud environments.